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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I don’t really know what my goals are for next semester. I am pretty happy with the progress I have made during this semester. Between adjusting myself to being a commuter and trying to make Southern seem like a welcoming place, I think that I have been pretty successful.

If I have to set goals though, I guess I will start with personal. Even though I have gotten a lot better at balancing my college work, I am still stressed out a lot. I am not sure if that’s because of finals or my math class finally getting to me, but I don’t like it. So for next semester I am going to try to just be less stressed out.

Socially I guess that the only thing I want to work on is spending more time with my friends and less time on work. I am thinking more and more about living on campus, but more often than not I don’t think that I will end up here. I hate the city too much. I am just going to manage my time better so that I am here at the time when people are all hanging out and home doing work when everyone else is doing work.

Academically I am where I want to be, all of my grades are where I want them, and I have a system down for doing all of my work. That’s only because I spent the entire first semester fine tuning it.

I think that I will be able to meet my goals with no problem. But rite now I am just focusing on my finals and Christmas break! Four days to go!!!

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