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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I don’t really know what my goals are for next semester. I am pretty happy with the progress I have made during this semester. Between adjusting myself to being a commuter and trying to make Southern seem like a welcoming place, I think that I have been pretty successful.

If I have to set goals though, I guess I will start with personal. Even though I have gotten a lot better at balancing my college work, I am still stressed out a lot. I am not sure if that’s because of finals or my math class finally getting to me, but I don’t like it. So for next semester I am going to try to just be less stressed out.

Socially I guess that the only thing I want to work on is spending more time with my friends and less time on work. I am thinking more and more about living on campus, but more often than not I don’t think that I will end up here. I hate the city too much. I am just going to manage my time better so that I am here at the time when people are all hanging out and home doing work when everyone else is doing work.

Academically I am where I want to be, all of my grades are where I want them, and I have a system down for doing all of my work. That’s only because I spent the entire first semester fine tuning it.

I think that I will be able to meet my goals with no problem. But rite now I am just focusing on my finals and Christmas break! Four days to go!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Greatest Failure?


My greatest failure in college was adjusting to it. It took me forever but I think that I have gotten as close to adjusted as I am going to get to Southern. As I have said in numerous blogs before, it was hard for me to get used to college. Driving to and from campus seemed like a huge hassle, I felt like I was missing out on a bunch of things happening at night on campus and the cost of college scared me into not enjoying it.

It was scary to think that I am out around $13,000 for one years worth if education. I don’t like the fact that that college costs so much and its so stressful. I let myself get hung up on it. It stressed me out to no end and made me hate college. But I think that my comeback was my biggest success.

I made college more enjoyable to me; I was sick and tired of hating it. I started by simply staying on campus more often, I would stay later and I started sleeping over twice a week. (that’s as many nights as you can stay in one building, its stupid yes I know) I also spaced out my homework schedule more and more so that I wouldn’t be so stressed out about homework every night, and I had more time to just hang out. I also tried to bring in friendly reminders of the things that I love to campus. I showed how I did this in my final movie. So my biggest failure led to my biggest success.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's Not Goodbye

I enjoyed having the learning communities. I think that they made the transition from high school to college go a lot smoother. Seeing the same group of kids in two of my classes is a lot what it is like in high school so I guess you can say it’s a mini version if high school inside of college, except we are faced with college level work and college level problems.

The think that I like most about the learning communities was getting to know people who are in the same position I am in. It was nice getting to talk to them between classes an make some new friends. It helped to make me feel less intimidated by college when I realized that there were people here just like me.

I will miss seeing everyone and getting to have the debates we had in Inquiry and the discussions we had in English class, basically I will miss getting to talk to all of them. The funny part is that a bunch of us are taking the same English class next semester so I don’t think of these learning communities as ending quit yet.

I am really happy that things from my first semester are being carried through into my next semester. I think it is something else that will make the transition easier. =)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A For Awesome Start!

Whole Brain Thinking

I think that Inquiry taught me a few new things, but I think it mostly polished off things that I had already known or learned in High School. For example, I have improved on my organization skills, and I have learned that its way better to have things done a few weeks early than a few days before they are due. Prioritizing and professionalism are two important things that I have gained from my first semester here at southern, in part because of INQ but also in part because of me immersing myself in this crazy place called college.

I won’t lie when I tell you that my first month of college was hell. I hated it and I wasn’t afraid to let people know. I was doing about five to six hours of homework a night driving an oven of a car to and from New Haven every day and then missing out on anything fun that would happen at night here. So I started prioritizing and organizing, I wanted to give myself the best of both worlds in college, a great social life, and great grades.

I already knew that organization is key to doing well in college so it came as no surprise to me when we focused on it a lot at the beginning of the semester. However I learned that high school organization isn’t the same as college organization. Inquiry helped me to fine tune and tweak my studying and organization skills so that they could be used on a college level.

I color coded and marked up my assignment pad into two weeks in advance. In the classes were I had things to do every week I wrote it out every week for the entire semester. So every Tuesday and Thursday has written on it; “Blog.” Then every Monday I wrote down; “look at syllabuses” so every Monday I look at my syllabuses and split up the work for that week. This cut my homework time nearly in half. Sure there are some days like today where I take on a five hour work load, but these days are few and far. I know that if I follow my assignment pad I wont miss a beat and I will develop good study habits, which I have.

As I mentioned earlier I have also gained a sense of professionalism in my first semester here. I think that this can be greatly accredited to my new study habits. By always following the things I have written I always put forward good work and its always on time. I have also always followed through on the things that I say, or obligations that I have. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving the only class that I had was INQ and I didn’t really want to drive to New Haven in the middle of the day, but I did. I know that if I develop good habits now in studying and professionalism they will carry through into my professional work life.

Three of the projects we have had in this class were video assignments, which I honestly liked the best. I took video courses in high school so I am familiar with the programs and the technology. I even am pretty good with the technical things like the angles, music and different shots I learned back in high school. Since making movies is a form of art it is something that I enjoy. The video I most enjoyed making was the final video because it was the one with the most wiggle room. This assignment had the least amount of guide lines which I loved! It gave me a bunch of space to make my video stick out and be uniquely me. The newest thing that I learned from these assignments was how to upload to youtube. I could never quit figure that out before, but now that I have, I feel extremely accomplished.

I remember one of the first assignments we got, we had to get into our networking groups and make a short movie incorporating different words into it. In high school, whenever there was a group project I usually took charge and was the leader of the group. I would set up times to work on the project and divvy out the parts of the project to each member, put it all together and hand it in. But in this project we all worked together, it was something I had never done before, but I loved it. Everyone came together with ideas and everyone split the project themselves. It was something new, and while it wasn’t out of my comfort zone it was something I wasn’t used to and I liked it.

INQ has mainly taught me to organize my time and tasks, so that I am more professional in my work. It makes things so much easier and it makes me more time efficient. I have learned different ways of working with people that I can take with me in life and into the work force. I think that I still need a little bit more work on balancing my social and academic life. My academic life is still above my social life and I would love to see them both be balanced. I am staying on campus more and trying to spend more time with the people here since it is were most of my friends are. I might try to live on campus next year to see how I like that and see if it is worth it for me. Until then, I am just floating along the main stream of college classes and letting it all unfold in front of me.


Five Years Down The Road

Thomas Kinkade

I am going for my master’s degree so five years down the road I will be a poor 24 year old college graduate! If everything falls in to place the way I want it to, I will have some kind of a job, preferably a teacher at a high school or elementary school in a rural setting. I would also like to have a small online business up and running so I could sell my art and make some extra money off of that.

I am probably going to be living with my parents until I am 25 because it’s free and I wont have anything to pay but my loans. It would be nice to have the freedom of owning my own house, but I don’t want to waste money on a rent when I could be saving for my dream home. I want to get as many loans as I can paid back as fast as I can if I go here for five years and keep living at home I will be looking at about 65,000 dollars in loans to pay back.

If I keep on time with my payments I can get a loan to buy a house. By the time I am 28 lets say, so five years after college, I will be working full time at a school, I will be living in a house and hopefully be married and have a dog. (Someone’s gotta help pay for the house) Basically I just want a job, a house and a family! That’s manageable in this economy! Its got about 9 years to get better! =]

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's not counting today or Christmas Eve!